Monday, May 21, 2007

May 20, 2007 Carnival - Gratitude

Welcome to the May 20, 2007 edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational.

And thank you very much for your rich submissions. However, there was a problem: almost half of the 34 submissions were totally off topic. Please remember the topic was "gratitude" and I said that off topic submissions would not be published. Maybe they will be published in later editions, when they are relevant to the topic

The most relevant article was "The Power of a Gratitude Journal", by Raymond David Salas ( This article is really perfect for this edition of our Carnival, exactly what I was thinking about when I came out with the Carnival topic i.e. gratitude. Thank you very much indeed, Raymond, and congratulations!

Another relevant article I could mention is Success Inspired's "Gratitude - Inspiration, Messages and Thoughts"

Also a Special Mention for Karen Lynch!


Raymond David Salas presents The Power of a Gratitude Journal posted at - Power Tools for Mind, Body, and Soul.

may presents Gratitude- Inspiration Messages and Thoughts posted at Success Inspired., saying, "this is my first time, so thanks for letting me participate. let me know what else i should do. blessings."

isabella mori presents success in a basket posted at change therapy, saying, "this post was inspired by aaron potts's fabulous "success" blog meme, which you can find here:"

John Crenshaw presents The One Idea That Took 23 Years To Understand And Changed My Life Forever posted at Dominate Your Life, saying, "There’s one path on the way to meet your goals, and it’s disappearing behind you;
there’s nowhere to go but forward, there’s no other option but to succeed."

Bhupendra Khanal presents Charity - the weakness. posted at Le_Plan, saying, "Thinking small is not a weakness. It is a social crime."

Erek Ostrowski presents Ease Up and Don?t Swing So Hard! posted at Verve Coaching, saying, "I'm grateful for the game of golf; all that it's taught me about life, and all that it will."

Anna Farmery presents Top 5 Reasons I want to Live posted at Widows Quest.

Anna Farmery presents Top 5 Reasons why you want others to succeed posted at The Engaging Brand.

Heather Flanagan presents VIP Meme Project: Visualizing a World That Works posted at Visualize Possibilities.

Vera Nadine presents The Calling: A Spiritual Manifesto posted at Vera Nadine - Discovering true hope through the magic of spirit, saying, "I am thankful for the divine calling and for my courage in living its truth."

Joey Cupps presents Say Goodbye posted at Hearts A Fire.

Riversider presents Spring Days on the Riverbank posted at Ribble Cycle Diaries, saying, "gratitude - for the beauty of our river"

TherapyDoc presents Courage posted at Everyone Needs Therapy, saying, "Gratitude for waking up in the morning--YES! It's yet another extraordinary comeback."

Craig Harper presents Gill's Story posted at Renovate your life with Craig, saying, "Every now and then you read an inspirational story that makes you cry. Today was such a day!"

Kennubo presents Why 90 percent of people life a mediocre life posted at Ken Nubo -- Your daily source of rambling.

Karen Lynch presents Life and Contrast posted at LivethePower.

JoLynn Braley presents The Importance of Gratitude in Weight Loss posted at The Fit Shack, saying, "This article focuses on finding the positives to be grateful for each day while losing weight; a great way to keep your motivation high and your focus off of only a number on the scale."

almomento presents 10 Steps to Better Efficiency in Your Day to Day Life posted at BurstCreativity.

Lexi Sundell presents Five Future Possibilities posted at Energies of Creation, saying, "This post lists five future possibilities I would see in a world that really "works." What would yours be?"

That concludes this edition. Once more, thank you very much for your posts, all of you; those who were not selected will certainly be published as soon as the opportunity arises. Please always try to stick to the topic, otherwise the carnival will lack focus and people will start to lose interest.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Next Blog Carnival is on "Gratitude"

The next edition of our Blog Carnival will be on "Gratitude".

It is scheduled for May 20, 2007 and the deadline for posting is May 19, 2007.

You can post using our submission form. Just click the submission link in the sidebar or wherever you see it on this blog :-)

Please note that posts must be right on topic. Off-topic posts will not be published.

Thanks a lot and let's keep the conversation going!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blog Carnival in the May 10, 2007 edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational

Welcome to the May 10, 2007 edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational.

Brandon Peele presents A Week with Sai Maa posted at GT.


Kara-Leah Masina presents It’s the end of the world… and I feel Love posted at K-L Masina.


Debra Moorhead presents 7 Ways to be Happier and More Fulfilled in Everything You Do posted at Debra

personal development

Wanda Grindstaff presents Prosperity and Abundance is Your Birthright - Living with Intent posted at Creating Abundant Lifestyles, saying, "The birthright of prosperity is everyone's"

Joseph Bernard presents Obstacles and Assets posted at Explore Life, saying, "Do you know what you do well, where your greatness lies and what keeps you from a greater self-realization?"

Craig Harper presents War of the Mind posted at Renovate your life with Craig, saying, "If you're like many, then some days your mind is a war zone.

Complete with the good guys (Mr glass-half-full) and the bad guys (Mr stay-in-bed-you-loser) fighting for your attention; your thoughts.

Competing for valuable territory on your cerebral landscape."

Patricia presents Make the Most of Every Moment: Lessons from the Terminal Illness That Wasn't posted at Patricia.

purpose presents TO DREAM AGAIN posted at, saying, "A personal journey on one's struggles during life's crossroads when one dares to move on and to dream again."

success mindset

Sudhanshu presents Gyaan Sutra: The rant of the entrepreneur posted at Gyaan Sutra.

JoLynn Braley presents Act As If (You Are Thin) - Daily Motivation posted at The Fit Shack, saying, "You’ve probably heard the advice to “act as if” in order to effect a change in your life. This article pertains to acting as if you are already thin in order to get your mind and your actions in sync with your weight loss goals."

edithyeung presents What is your Dream? posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act., saying, "Hope you all find your dream."


Ellesse presents Inspirational Stories I : Wilma Rudolph, An Olympic Wonder posted at Goal Setting College.


Walks The Edge presents Perfect Timing posted at, saying, "One key to being happy and successful lies in recognizing that the universe has perfect timing."

life coaching

gia combs-ramirez presents Increase Productivity by Conquering Procrastination posted at The Science of Energy Healing, saying, "10 (actually 11) tips to getting the better of procrastination for increased productivity."

personal development

Christine Kane presents How to Get Anything Done posted at Christine Kane's Blog, saying, "Hi, My trackback url isn't working. Neither is my blog address. (Issues with my website.) but the link will go to the article! Thanks!"

Anmol Mehta presents The Secret on How to Become an Early Riser posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "Article on the secret to not only becoming an Early Riser but also exploring the process of discovering one's true purpose in life."

Raymond David Salas presents How to Request a Miracle posted at Power Tools Blog.

success mindset

Dianne M. Buxton presents manifestingsuccess: Optimizing the Key Success Factors in Your Work From Home Business posted at manifestingsuccess.

Stewart Hsu presents Advice from a Billionaire posted at Stewart Hsu, saying, "Wish you health and wealth!"

That concludes this edition.

I hope you enjoyed it! Please post your comments.

And also submit your blog article to the next edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational using our

carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Self-esteem is first and foremost between you and yourself

Never say: "I am better than so-and-so". Always put yourself in a position to confidently say: "My present self is better than my former self".

Saying: "I am better than so-and-so" is a sure sign of low self-esteem.

If you really are better than so-and-so, you don't have to say it: so-and-so will find a way to manifest it to you and announce it to the world.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

"There is No Problem Without a Solution!"

For, "there is no problem without a solution". Problems and solutions follow each other like night and day.

Maybe it should be more accurate to say that problems and solutions co-exist. Or that they search for each other like two eager lovers or Siamese twins who must urgently be joined back together.

And the individual mind's job is to join them together: this is achieved mainly through the repetition of affirmations and through visualizations i.e. seeing yourself as you are AFTER you have received what you want.

If there is a problem, there is a solution

If there is a west, there is an east

If there is a south, there is a north

If there is an up, there is a down

If there is a right, there is a left

The solution always exists. But where is it? How to find it?

See yourself as having already obtained it. You have it. What do you feel now?

Keep on visualizing, detailing all your feelings, emotions ...

This will very quickly, much more quickly than you think, become reality

And this is where the problem and the solution find each other - like a mother and child reunited
Your only job is to help the problem and the solution find each other, which they are eager to do, because they were one, once upon a time - and they got separated through the vicissitudes of life

Once re-united, the problem and the solution are so happy that they reward the "problem-solver" (or facilitator or solution-finder) with happiness. That's why problem-solvers are always happy people (as you may easily have guessed :-)

Of course, to reach the solution, you must also do a little bit of what people usually call "work", but if you do it with the right mindset, it won't even feel like "work".

This comes under "faith" and "purpose" in Amsall's "Success Mindset Tripod"