May 20, 2007 Carnival - Gratitude
Welcome to the May 20, 2007 edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational.
And thank you very much for your rich submissions. However, there was a problem: almost half of the 34 submissions were totally off topic. Please remember the topic was "gratitude" and I said that off topic submissions would not be published. Maybe they will be published in later editions, when they are relevant to the topic
The most relevant article was "The Power of a Gratitude Journal", by Raymond David Salas ( This article is really perfect for this edition of our Carnival, exactly what I was thinking about when I came out with the Carnival topic i.e. gratitude. Thank you very much indeed, Raymond, and congratulations!
Another relevant article I could mention is Success Inspired's "Gratitude - Inspiration, Messages and Thoughts"
Also a Special Mention for Karen Lynch!
Raymond David Salas presents The Power of a Gratitude Journal posted at - Power Tools for Mind, Body, and Soul.
may presents Gratitude- Inspiration Messages and Thoughts posted at Success Inspired., saying, "this is my first time, so thanks for letting me participate. let me know what else i should do. blessings."
isabella mori presents success in a basket posted at change therapy, saying, "this post was inspired by aaron potts's fabulous "success" blog meme, which you can find here:"
John Crenshaw presents The One Idea That Took 23 Years To Understand And Changed My Life Forever posted at Dominate Your Life, saying, "There’s one path on the way to meet your goals, and it’s disappearing behind you;
there’s nowhere to go but forward, there’s no other option but to succeed."
Bhupendra Khanal presents Charity - the weakness. posted at Le_Plan, saying, "Thinking small is not a weakness. It is a social crime."
Erek Ostrowski presents Ease Up and Don?t Swing So Hard! posted at Verve Coaching, saying, "I'm grateful for the game of golf; all that it's taught me about life, and all that it will."
Anna Farmery presents Top 5 Reasons I want to Live posted at Widows Quest.
Anna Farmery presents Top 5 Reasons why you want others to succeed posted at The Engaging Brand.
Heather Flanagan presents VIP Meme Project: Visualizing a World That Works posted at Visualize Possibilities.
Vera Nadine presents The Calling: A Spiritual Manifesto posted at Vera Nadine - Discovering true hope through the magic of spirit, saying, "I am thankful for the divine calling and for my courage in living its truth."
Joey Cupps presents Say Goodbye posted at Hearts A Fire.
Riversider presents Spring Days on the Riverbank posted at Ribble Cycle Diaries, saying, "gratitude - for the beauty of our river"
TherapyDoc presents Courage posted at Everyone Needs Therapy, saying, "Gratitude for waking up in the morning--YES! It's yet another extraordinary comeback."
Craig Harper presents Gill's Story posted at Renovate your life with Craig, saying, "Every now and then you read an inspirational story that makes you cry. Today was such a day!"
Kennubo presents Why 90 percent of people life a mediocre life posted at Ken Nubo -- Your daily source of rambling.
Karen Lynch presents Life and Contrast posted at LivethePower.
JoLynn Braley presents The Importance of Gratitude in Weight Loss posted at The Fit Shack, saying, "This article focuses on finding the positives to be grateful for each day while losing weight; a great way to keep your motivation high and your focus off of only a number on the scale."
almomento presents 10 Steps to Better Efficiency in Your Day to Day Life posted at BurstCreativity.
Lexi Sundell presents Five Future Possibilities posted at Energies of Creation, saying, "This post lists five future possibilities I would see in a world that really "works." What would yours be?"
That concludes this edition. Once more, thank you very much for your posts, all of you; those who were not selected will certainly be published as soon as the opportunity arises. Please always try to stick to the topic, otherwise the carnival will lack focus and people will start to lose interest.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of amsall's inspirational and motivational using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:amsall's inspirational and motivational, blog carnival, gratitude, personal development, A.M.Sall.